11 April 2011


“ The symptoms that you are talking about are nothing but an indication that you are suffering with Parkinson’s disease”. Almost all patients suffering with Parkinson’s disease have heard this statement at least once from their physician, and have not been able to forget it.

Almost all patients suffer with a major setback when they try to adjust with the harsh reality of getting diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD). That is usually the beginning of a life-long fight with an irreversible ailment that makes one more and more dependent on the environment with every rising day. Each and every patient (and most of their care-takers) experience an episode of depression at least once in their life time, and at least 50% of them have to take a treatment for it.

The ever-increasing dependency, not being able to do small and easy day to day jobs, unaffordable cost of treatment, failure of the current medical world not only to cure but even to control the growth of the ailment,… everything leads to a state of anguish and vexation, which itself can hinder the efficacy of the medication given for the disease.

The most commonly occurring emotional changes are:

· Excessive worrying about the ailment

· Constant unwanted negative thoughts

· Feeling of dependency and being handicapped

· Asocial and aloof feeling

· Loneliness

· Indifference and ennui

· Fear of attaining a vegetative state

· Loss of memory

· Insomnia – loss of sleep

· Suicidal thoughts

· Irrational fear, anxiety and phobias

Medically it has been proved that the ‘orbito-frontal’ region of the brain does not work optimally in these patients. This is the region that deals with generating the positive and healthy feeling states, and is directly under the influence of the dopamine secretion.

Bach Flower Therapy: a simple yet effective therapy for emotional ailments

Bach flower therapy comprise a therapeutic system that uses dilutions of flower essences developed from 38 naturally occurring flowers, to balance physical and emotional disturbances. This therapy was developed and introduced by Dr Edward Bach, a Harley street physician, in 1936, who believed that the right essence can nullify the ‘predominant, persistent negative mental states’ to bring back the patient to a positive mental state. These essences interact with the subtle bodies and so can help people by addressing the emotional responses of patients towards oneself and the disease.

There are 38 original Bach flower remedies, each prescribed for certain mental and emotional problem, together forming a complete therapeutic system of healing. The remedies are prepared by picking fresh flowers, still wet with dew, placing them in a clear glass bowl of spring water and leaving them in sunlight for several hours during the early–morning.

Dr Bach believed that the remedies contained small amounts of the plant’s life-force energy which enabled them to provide vibration patterns needed to either neutralize or serve as an antidote to negative emotional, behavioral, or cognitive states. Each one of the 38 remedies corresponds to a precise psychological imbalance and is suitable for treating an extensive series of symptoms. There is no standard remedy for any one disorder as the same problem experienced by different individuals can produce quite varied psychological reactions. Each individual requires a unique treatment. Depending on the symptoms, the remedies can be used singly or in combinations to a maximum of 7. The remedies are taken on the tongue, under the tongue, or at the pulse point of the wrist a minimum of 4 times per day.

Commonly prescribed Bach flower remedies for PD patients:

1. Gorse:

Very useful to treat the hopeless and depressed state where the patient has lost hope and denies any kind of treatment. These patients literally need to be carried to the doctor. These patients will concentrate more on the intractable nature of the ailment, to feel utterly low.

2. Mimulus & Larch:

These remedies can be prescribed for specific fears and the lack of confidence, respectively. Patient always has got a fear of falling while walking, which can be relieved with Mimulus. The addition of Larch to it will boost the self-confidence.

3. Olive:

This remedy is useful treating the state of marked prostration resulting due to the unfailing tremor, loss of appetite, digestive complaints and recurrent negative thoughts. The patient feels completely drained and exhausted. There is a significant lack of vitality. The remedy Olive can help these patients to regain their strength. Also is useful for the care-taker.

4. White chestnut:

A good remedy for loss of sleep due to recurrent negative thoughts, leading to a state of irritation or agitation.

Advantages of Bach flower therapy:

The flower remedies appear to have no side effects and do not seem to interfere with any form of treatment including homeopathic, herbal or allopathic medication. In fact, due to their ability to improve the receptivity and reaction-pattern of an individual, these remedies can in fact improve the efficacy of the concomitant medication. Many psychotherapists take help of these remedies as an adjunct healing force, along with their counseling. It is important to know that the remedies seem to act as catalysts in releasing unwanted negative psychological states.

In case of patients suffering with Parkinson’s disease, these remedies can help the patient (and the care-taker) to get relief from the negative emotions like fear, anxiety, depression and hopelessness. Once the emotional balance is achieved, one can deal with the physical ailment in a better shape and can face life more positively.

Love, Affection, Sympathy, Care and Homage, we use flowers in all situations of life. Bach flower therapy has proved that, flowers not only represent our emotions, but can also help to heal them, naturally !

For more details contact:

Dr Amit Karkare

Homeopath and certified Bach Flower Practitioner

amitkarkare@gmail.com || Mobile: +91 98222 52533 || www.dramitkarkare.com

24 March 2011

Homeopathic Remedies For Apoplexy Or Paralysis

The incidence of apoplexy or paralysis of nervous origin leading to unconsciousness has drastically increased with increasing number of patients suffering the medical conditions like hypertension or atherosclerosis. It can also be seen in conditions like meningitis or some other cerebro-spinal diseases.

Here, we will discuss few homeopathic remedies indicated for such cases.


Apoplexy due to the sudden rupture of cerebral blood vessels. The resultant is paralysis and loss of consciousness. There is involuntary evacuation of bladder and bowels on the onset of apoplectic attack. Arnica is a known remedy to control hemorrhage and aiding the absorption of accumulated blood within the cranium. I have used this remedy with wonderful results in cases of head trauma, showing concessional injury to the brain tissue. It has also been effective in relieving the chronic headaches in cases of sub-dural hematomas of long standing origin. Thus it is a powerful drug with hemostatic as well as hemo-absorbant properties. Arnica is also useful in cases of meningitis after mechanical or traumatic injuries - such as from falls or brain concussions, etc.


Disturbed functional activity of the brain and spinal cord calls for this remedy. The causative factors are exhaustive diseases or severe mental shock, that result in paralysis.

Cicuta virosa:

Effective in cases with injurious chronic effects from brain and spinal cord injuries of concessional nature. Spasms and trismus. Tetanus from getting splinters into flesh [also seen in hypericum cases]. Masters have given its indication in the brain diseases due to suppressed eruptions.

Natrum sulf:

Indicated in cases of spinal meningitis with violent and crushing pains at the base of the brain. Gnawing pains in the cranium with head drawn back. Spasms with mental irritability and delirium. There is a violent congestion of blood to head along with the pain. Delirium and opisthotonus. One of the best known remedies for the ailments from or after the head injury. Ailments coming after head injury of remote origin. I have seen a case of chronic headache getting cured with few doses of natrum sulf, where the origin of the headache was traced back to the trauma received to the brain almost ten years back.

Picric acid:

Remedy for the brain fag or literary or corporate community. Headache brought about by the slightest of excitement, mental exertion or overwork, causing burning along the spine.


Acute cerebral or basilar meningitis with threatened effusion. Hallucinations of all kinds. Wakes from sleep in a frightened state. Screams with fright.

Zincum met:

Defective vitality calls for this remedy. Wanting of brain or nerve power. Patient is too weak to develop exanthemata or menstrual functions.