28 May 2010

Hair fall: Losing the Crowning Glory

Hair is one of the distinct features of the mammalian skin. Though originally serving as a protective coat, during the course of evolution, it has lost this function at least in human beings. Nevertheless, its cosmetic and aesthetic importance has increased exponentially. Thus, losing hair has become one of the top most worries in both genders.

Hair are primarily made up of protein called keratin [the same that constitutes our nails]. Its high sulfur content [than nails] gives it an extraordinarily tensile strength.

The normal cycle of hair growth lasts for 2-6 years. Each hair grows almost one centimeter per month. Normal human scalp has about 100000 hair, out of which 10% are in a resting phase, that get shed in couple of months time. Therefore, t is expected to lose about 100 hair per day.

One can experience excessive hair loss about 3-4 months after any major illness or a major surgery. This is usually temporary.
Hormonal disturbances can lead to hair loss, especially in thyroid and ovarian diseases.
Women lose hair after delivering a baby.
Many women lose hair during menstrual cycle.
Some medicines like anticoagulants, chemotherapy, birth control pills and antidepressants are known to cause hair loss.
Fungal infections of the scalp lead to hair loss.
Excessive shampooing and blow-drying of hair.
Crash diets, especially those that do not contain enough proteins.
Last but not the least, severe emotional stress can lead to significant loss of hair. Thus stress can trigger a hair loss, which in turn can increase the anxiety level, making it a vicious cycle.

The initial step is to identify the exact cause(s) for the hair loss and to plan out the treatment strategy accordingly. It can be in form of dietary modifications to increase the protein content or treating the underlying diseases or relaxation techniques to calm the mind.

Constitutional homeopathic medicines selected as per one’s individual composition can reduce hair fall significantly. While Bach Flower Therapy can restore equilibrium at emotional plane.

27 May 2010

Coping With the Loss of a Pet

No one will object me if I say that pets are one of the most treasured and cared objects that a human possesses. It is often considered the strongest bond that a human can make with other living organism, at times more than the bond with the human beings. Thus a loss of pet either due to the death or missing of pet is considered as one of the biggest stressors on the disturbance scale. As we all are different, we do show different reactive patterns to adjust to the loss of pet. If we understand it, it becomes a lot easier either to empathize with a person who has lost his pet or to prepare ourselves to the anticipated loss of our pet that is on a death bed. This process of grief is very complex, yet it shows some fixed pattern or stages of development & resolution. Not everyone will pass through all these stages but will fall into one or more of them, in the process.

One of the most common initial reactions is of a denial. People usually do not accept the inevitable loss. If they have not seen the death, they will deny saying that may be the pet has got lost and has not died. Though others try to convince by saying that they have cremated the pet and is surely no more, the grieving person can still believe that the pet will come all of a sudden from somewhere. They continue keeping their food bowl filled and the milk plate replaced, hoping that their beloved pet will come some day to eat their favorite stuff.

There are few who can go into a phase of self-anger or resentment. They blame themselves for the loss and they believe that it is all since they did not take the necessary care or fail to provide the best medical facility to their ailing pet. The anger can also be turned towards those who were taking care of the pet, especially if one stays away from the pet. Thus there can be a hostility or anger or resentment towards the maid who nursed the pet on daily basis, or towards the veterinarian who medically attended the pet during the ailing period. These people blame them for not taking the pet to the needed care in time, as well as blame themselves for keeping their pet with such incapable hands.

The next most common emotion or outcome is depression. People show varied kinds of depressive manifestations. Some lose their appetite for weeks, some just shut themselves within their home, few take the belongings of the pet and spends hours just staring at those. There is social aloofness that prevails and the person can remain in the gloomy mood for days to come. I have seen at least 10 boys who have tattooed the name of their lost dog on their bodies. They feel incompetent to perform their day to day jobs and feel drained of all their vitality.

The final phase is of acceptance and resolution, which usually comes with talking to your friends and relatives who share your bereavement. There have been few agencies who can provide a good variety of memorabilia from t-shirts to mugs to specialized items of your choice. Thus the guilt of not able to do something special reduces and one can come to terms with the loss. Thus sets the thought pattern of having another pet, which can relieve your feelings much easier and faster. The new pet helps you to come out of the negative state faster, but still the memories of the lost one remain with you forever.

Appropriate use of Bach flower remedies like Gorse, Honeysuckle, Walnut, White chestnut, and Pine can help one to get relieved from the trauma easily.

25 May 2010

Apple: not ‘forbidden’ anymore…

You can be a physicist, historian, doctor, sportsman, religious follower, chef, story-loving child or a health-freak, APPLE is the fruit that must be close to your heart.

The contribution of this ‘forbidden fruit’ goes from inspiring Isaac Newton about gravitational force, to providing a sodium- & cholesterol-free source of antioxidants exhibiting anti-cancer properties. Though an old English adage says, ” To eat an apple before going to bed, will make the doctor beg his bread.”, a doctor also bonds with it through ‘Adam’s Apple’ in the early Anatomy classes.


Apple (Malus domestica) is a pomaceous fruit from the family of Rosaceae (rose) and ranks as one of the most widely cultivated tree fruits. Finding its origins in the wild mountains of Central Asia, today there are more than 7500 known varieties of apples that are cultivated across the world. Most of these varieties are eaten fresh, though some are specially used for cooking or making cider.

Apple trees are deciduous, which means their leaves fall off at the end of the growing season.


Apples are bulky for their caloric content (like most fruits and vegetables) and thus ranks amongst the negative-calorie fruits. A medium-sized apple provides only 80 calories. Water and air constitute almost 80% of Apple’s volume [that is why it floats].


Apples not only are cholesterol free but also help to reduce existing cholesterol by preventing re-absorption, thus helping people with heart-disease, obesity and high-lipids.

Research suggests that apples may reduce the risk of colonic cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer, possibly due to the phenolic compounds (quercetin, epicatechin and procyanidin B2) they possess, that have anti-oxidant properties. According to the USDA, apples and apple juice are among the top 20 foods with the highest antioxidant content per serving.

The fiber content, though less than in most other fruits, helps to regulate bowel movements.

Apple juice concentrate has been found to increase the production of the neurotransmiter acetylcholine in mice, providing a potential for protecting the brain from the effects of oxidative-stress.


  • Apples ripen almost ten-times faster at room temperature, thus keep them stored in the refrigerator.
  • Store apples away from strong-smelling foods to prevent them from absorbing unpleasant odors.
  • Coat sliced and diced apples with a mixture of one part lemon juice to three parts water, to prevent browning.
  • Don’t peel your apple. Two-thirds of the fiber and lots of antioxidants are found in the peel.
  • Apple day is celebrated on 21st October.

23 May 2010

Sinuses: What are they for?

Visit any clinic of an ENT surgeon and you will find at least one patient who suffers with so-called “SINUS TROUBLE”. Having it as one of the most common complaints, a question naturally arises, ‘what are these sinuses really for..?’

Para-nasal [near the nose] sinuses are paired cavities situated in our skull bones, that directly have an opening in the nasal cavity.

The air-filled cavity of the sinuses makes our skull much lighter.
The cavity also creates resonance of voice, almost acting as an ‘amplifier’.
The face gets its typical structure due to the shapes of the skull bones having these sinuses.
Protection of the eyes.

These sinuses are lined with cells that produce secretions that are directly drained into nose. An inflammation of these linings, due to certain allergies or infections is called as SINUSITIS.

If you consider the functions of the sinuses, you can easily correlate the symptoms.
The irritation / inflammation of the lining leads to marked increase in the secretions, that replace the air. We thus start feeling the head becoming heavier especially in the morning when they are filled with the secretions.
The fluid hampers the function as an ‘amplifier’ that makes us ‘sound’ stuffed due to the change in the nasal tone.
Due to their locations, it leads to typical sinus headache which is frontal and the tenderness along the cheek bones. It can be checked by applying pressure with the thumb.
The swelling of the inner lining gives rise to blocked feeling and mucoid discharge. It can be blood-stained due to rupture of blood capillaries.

Antibiotics, Decongestants, and the Anti-allergics are the most common remedial alternatives to relieve the acute attacks. But what about the chronic pattern ?
Here a well-selected Homeopathic constitutional remedy can help you to get rid off the tendencies to get sinus affections.
The duration of the treatment depends on the severity, structural changes within nasal cavity and how much is it possible to nullify the precipitating factors.

20 May 2010

Bach Flower Remedies For Fearful Dogs

Fear is one of the basic emotions that every living organism experiences and our beloved pets are not an exception to it. Though dogs are known for their courageous attitude, some dogs do face situations where they exhibit signs of fright, requiring a professional handling.

Unlike human beings, who are able to express their emotions in a refined manner, dogs can't communicate their feelings in an explicit way, but a close observation of their behavior can lead us to significant information about their mental state. A dog may display his fear in varied ways: he may try to escape from the room, or may stay motionless, or can become intensely restless, or can soil the room by submissive urination, or might just bark / growl at the fear-object. In extreme cases he can even become destructive.

Bach Flower Remedies:

Bach Flower Remedies are a collection of 38 plant and flower-based remedies discovered in the 1930s by Dr Edward Bach, a Harley Street physician. Each Bach remedy deals with a specific negative emotion, so we can select and take one or more remedies to match the exact emotion or reactive pattern. These remedies can help our animals get over their own emotional difficulties. They are completely natural and harmless. Flower remedies help to restore the peace and harmony among the negative behavior of our pets.

The Treatment:

Though indicated as the behavioral patterns of the fear, as a part of treatment, it is extremely essential to get the dog examined by a veterinarian, to rule out any signs of organic disease, which might manifest in the similar manner. Once it's confirmed to be only a fear, it's worth giving a well-suited Bach Flower Remedies.

The selection of the remedy (-ies) is very simple and is based on the reaction pattern of the dog. Here are the most commonly used remedies for the fear seen in dogs:

Mimulus: Mimulus deals with fear of known causes. If you can identify the fear-object of your dog, he may need Mimulus to get over it. The commonly seen fear of loud noises or crackers in dogs can be relieved with Mimulus. Few dogs are afraid of water being poured on them, which calls for Mimulus.

Rock Rose: Rock rose will also show fear but in an extreme manner - in a state of Panic. Thus an intense fear of known or unknown reason, but manifested in a state of panic calls for Rock Rose. The state where the dog takes the whole house on toes with his frightful behavior, can be easily relieved with Rock Rose. The key is the intensity of the fear reaction.

Star of Bethlehem: This remedy relieves the state of sudden shock or trauma. A puppy, who has seen an accident and gets into attacks of fright, or a dog who was mishandled by his previous owner, or the one who has escaped a situation of great danger needs this remedy to get over the state of shock or emotional trauma.

Walnut: Walnut is the remedy for adaptation. If a puppy brought from a breeder or your friend's house, shows signs of fear in the process of getting used to the new environment, he needs Walnut to aid in the adaptation. A dog separated from his mother and exhibiting fear will get relieved with Walnut.

Rescue Remedy: This is not a different remedy but a mixture of five remedies that are used in the state of emergency. This can be used if you can not decide which remedy to be selected or if the state of your dog is of an intense one, like the one of emergency. The unique formula contains Star of Bethlehem for shock, Rock Rose for terror and panic, Cherry Plum for lack of self-control, Impatiens for agitation, and Clematis to counteract faintness and bemusement.

The Dosage:

Two drops of the selected remedy (-ies) can be added to the watering bowls or food, that the dog will drink regularly. Otherwise, two drops (each) of the remedies can be added to a 30 ml bottle containing water and four-six drops from this treatment-bottle can be administered to the dog on regular basis (at least four times a day).

It can also be put directly in the mouth of your dog, if he allows. One can also drip few drops on the nose of the dog so that he can lick it off. In case of emergency, where it is not possible to make the dog drink the medicine, few drops can be applied onto the back of the ears (being a sensitive skin area) which can get absorbed through the skin.

The remedy combination should be repeated until required. There would be no harm if you select an incorrect remedy or continue to administer the remedies even after their need is over. If any other pet drinks water from the same bowl, it should be fine, since the remedies do not modify healthy emotions.

13 May 2010

IBS Cure with Homeopathy & Bach Flower Therapy

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), also called as functional bowel syndrome or irritable colon or spastic bowel/colon, is the most common chronic gastrointestinal ailment presented to a physician. It is characterized by changes in the bowel motility, bloating and abdominal pain, in the absence of any identifiable physical disorder.

IBS is the seventh most common disease among all the out-patient diseases. In USA alone, there are around 35 million medical visits annually, due to IBS. Apart from the prevalence, it results in a huge loss of working days, with an economic loss of almost 40 billion dollars within a year.

IBS not only interferes with the work, but also can disturb your social life and your relationships with friends & family. One may feel discouraged and depressed, due to the social limitations and embarrassment, for many. Avoiding certain food items can also make one malnourished due to losing sources of few essential nutrients.


The common symptoms of IBS are as follows:

  • Bloating and gas
  • Constipation and/or diarrhea with urgency; especially after eating
  • Mucus in the stool
  • Persistent feeling of incomplete evacuation of the bowels
  • Abdominal pain and cramping, associated with a strong urge for a bowel movement.

Patients are classified as per the predominant bowel pattern into: constipation-predominant (C-IBS), diarrhea-predominant (D-IBS), and alternating diarrhea-constipation (A-IBS). Statistical analysis shows psychological causes leading mostly in diarrhea-predominant IBS.


The walls of our intestines are lined with muscle layers, that contract and relax in a harmonic fashion, pushing the food (only) forwards; this is known as peristalsis. In case of IBS, the contractions get stronger, last longer than normal and can be erratic, thus hampering the uniform pushing of the intestinal contents. If the process gets hastened, the food is forced more quickly; it reduces its time to get digested, causing gas, bloating and indigestion. If it gets slowed down, the stool becomes hard and dry causing constipation.


Since there are no identifiable physical signs, the diagnosis is predominantly based on the clinical history. According to the ROME criteria, a diagnosis of IBS can be established if patient has abdominal pain and discomfort for at least 12 weeks, with at least two of the following:

  • A change in the frequency or consistency of stool
  • Straining, urgency or a feeling of incomplete evacuation
  • Mucus in the stool


No definitive cause has been established as yet; though, decreased threshold to pain and psychosocial factors are considered as the significant factors responsible. Frequently the symptoms get worse while under stress, on tour or preparing for a meeting. In few patients, there is an aggravation on slightest change in the daily routine. Some are bothered by certain foods, while female patients may experience an uphill in the intensity of symptoms around menstrual cycle.


Based on the clinical interviews, patients with IBS had maximum level of anxiety, depression and social phobias. On personal levels, the most common situations were – not being satisfied with life, familial and sexual problems, and difficulties with the authorities.
The five-factor model of personality defines personality traits in terms of five basic dimensions: Extraversion (talkative, assertive and active), Agreeableness (kind, trustworthy and warmth), Conscientiousness (organized, thorough and reliable), Neuroticism (nervous, moody and temperamental), and Openness to experience (imaginative, curious and creative).
Psychologists have tried to explore whether any specific personality traits can be linked with IBS through a clinical study. In that, C-IBS patients scored higher on neuroticism and conscientiousness. Neuroticism is a function of activity in the limbic system, and research suggests that people who score high on neuroticism have a more reactive sympathetic nervous system, and are more sensitive to environmental stimulation. Conscientiousness was associated with sensitivity to ridicule, feeling of inferiority, and obsession with perfection or control.


Being a gastric ailment linked with the personality characteristics, there are two major parts of the treatment: DRUG therapies to alleviate the symptoms and NON-DRUG therapies for the personality traits so as to handle the stress and dietetic modifications.


These are the options to deal with personality traits that are the precipitating as well as maintaining factors for IBS pathophysiology.

  1. Counseling: A psychologist or psychiatrist can help to reduce stress by looking at how you respond to events and then working with you to modify or change that response.
  2. Deep breathing: Most adults breathe from their chests. But you become calmer when you breathe from your diaphragm, the muscle that separates your chest from your abdomen. When you inhale, allow your belly to expand. When you exhale, your belly naturally contracts. Deep breathing can also help relax your abdominal muscles, which may lead to more-normal bowel activity.
  3. Relaxation techniques: Progressive relaxation exercises help you relax muscles in your body, one by one. Start by tightening the muscles in your feet, then concentrate on slowly letting all of the tension go. Next, tighten and relax your calves. Continue until the muscles in your body, including those in your eyes and scalp, are relaxed. Set aside at least 20 minutes a day for any activity you find relaxing – listening to music, reading, playing computer games or just soaking in a warm bath.
  4. Food: Ideally, one should consult a dietician to plan a diet customized to your health needs. Fiber can be a mixed blessing. Although it helps reduce constipation, it can also make gas and cramping worse. The best approach is to gradually increase the amount of fiber in your diet over a period of weeks. Avoid problem foods. If certain foods make your signs and symptoms worse, don’t eat them. Common culprits include alcohol, chocolate, caffeinated beverages such as coffee and sodas, dairy products, and sugar-free sweeteners. If gas is a problem for you, foods that might make symptoms worse include beans, cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. Fatty foods may also be a problem for some people. Chewing gum or drinking through a straw can lead to air swallowing, causing more gas. Eat slowly and have meals in a quiet, relaxing environment. Eat at regular times. Don’t skip meals, and try to eat about the same time each day to help regulate bowel function. If you have diarrhea, you may find that eating small, frequent meals makes you feel better. But if you’re constipated, eating larger amounts of high-fiber foods may help move food through your intestines. Drink plenty of liquids. Try to drink plenty of fluids every day. Water is best. Alcohol and beverages that contain caffeine stimulate your intestines and can make diarrhea worse, and carbonated drinks can produce gas.
  5. Exercise: Exercise helps relieve depression and stress, stimulates normal contractions of your intestines and can help you feel better about yourself. If you’ve been inactive, start slowly and gradually increase the amount of time you exercise. If you have other medical problems, check with your doctor before starting an exercise program.
  6. Herbs: Mint (pudina leaves) is a natural antispasmodic that relaxes smooth muscles in the intestines. Study results haven’t been consistently encouraging, but if you’d like to try peppermint, be sure to use enteric-coated capsules (like PudinHara). Peppermint may aggravate heartburn.
  7. Probiotics: Probiotics are “good” bacteria that normally live in your intestines and are found in certain foods, such as yogurt, and in dietary supplements. It’s been suggested that people with irritable bowel syndrome may not have enough good bacteria, and that adding probiotics to your diet may help ease your symptoms.


The primary drug groups are: Antispasmodics, Laxatives (C-IBS), Serotonin-agonists (C-IBS), Serotonin-antagonists (D-IBS) for IBS complaints. Along with that, anti-depressants and/or anti-anxiety medications can be prescribed if needed.


Homeopathic treatment is based on individualistic treatment of ‘the patient’, instead of treating the organs or systems. Thus it aims at treating the root-cause by assessing the constitution of the patient, determined by a psycho-somatic analysis of the individual. Thus a well-selected constitutional deep-acting medicine would be the backbone of homeopathic treatment, aided by drugs like arg-nitr, gels, arsenic alb, aloe or nux vomica during the acute exacerbation.

Bach Flower Therapy aims at handling the emotional reaction pattern of the individual, leading to a more balanced or composed handling of the stressful situations. The remedies create positive vibrations against the unresolved negative feelings, which are usually the root-cause of the stress reactions, thus acting as a preventive therapy against the stressors that can trigger distress in future. Though, almost any of the thirty-eight Bach flower remedies can be used (as per the individual emotional need) in the cases of IBS, here are few very commonly prescribed remedies in my experience:

Aspen [anxiety], Cherry plum [control], Rock rose [panic], Mimulus [fear & embarrassment] and Pine [guilt] have been used as ‘Type Remedies’ in majority of IBS patients. These remedies are selected as per the basic temperament of the individual.

Apart from these, Larch [confidence], Gentian [setback], Beech [perfection] and Impatience [patience] have been used as ‘Helper remedies’, leading not only to a drastic relief in the IBS symptomatology but also a significant modification in the temperament and reaction-pattern of the patient.

Thus Bach flower remedies have offered both curative and preventive care for the patients of IBS.

07 May 2010

Healing ‘Carpal-Tunnel-Syndrome’ with Homeopathy

Ms P, a successful manager at a leading IT company, was driving home after a tiring meeting at the office. Off late, she was experiencing slight weakness at the wrist and two fingers, especially while writing or holding a telephone receiver for long time. Today, while driving the car, she started getting severe tingling and numbness with stitching type of pain in the palm. After some time, she could not even drive the car efficiently and had to make an effort to reach home safely. She immediately took an appointment with a neurologist, who confirmed it to be the classical case of ‘Carpal Tunnel Syndrome’.


Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a compressive neuropathy marked by weakness and pain in the hand and wrist. Its manifestations can range from a minor inconvenience to a severely disabling condition – depending on its cause, treatment and the maintaining factors.

The incidence is so common that it is estimated that approximately 500,00 people undergo surgery for CTS in the US alone.

The pathophysiology:

The carpal tunnel is located at the base of the palm and is bounded on 3 sides by carpal bones and anteriorly by the transverse carpal ligament. Inside run the median nerve, flexor tendons, and their synovial sheaths. CTS is predominantly caused by compression of the median nerve at the wrist, because of the swelling or growth of the flexor synovium. The pain in CTS is usually a secondary phenomenon rather than a direct physical damage.

Risk Factors:

* It usually runs in families.
* Obesity – or sudden increase in the weight.
* Occupation that involves repetitive wrist joint movement – e.g., piano players, or typing work.
* Medical conditions – like, diabetes, hypothyroidism, acromegaly, gout or rheumatoid arthritis.
* It is more prevalent in middle-aged females.

Clinical presentation:

Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome usually progress gradually over weeks and months and sometimes years. Anyone with recurrent or persistent pain, numbness and tingling, or weakness of the hand should consult a doctor for a diagnosis. Symptoms often develop as follows:

* Initial symptoms include pain in the wrist and palm side hand. Symptoms commonly occur in both hands. (Even when only one hand is painful, the other hand often shows signs of nerve conduction abnormalities on testing.)
* Early on, the patient also usually reports numbness, tingling, burning, or some combination of symptoms on the palm side of the index, middle, and ring fingers. (Typically the fifth finger has no symptoms.) Such sensations may radiate to the forearm or shoulder.
* Over time, the hand may become numb, and patients may lose the ability to feel heat and cold. Patients may experience a sense of weakness and a tendency to drop things.
* Patients may feel that their hands are swollen even though there is no visible swelling. This symptom may actually prove to be an important indicator of greater CTS severity.


* A plain X-ray is of minimal use in diagnosing CTS.
* A magnetic resonance imaging [MRI] is reasonably accurate in locating the lesion.
* Electromyelography [EMG] or nerve-conduction studies can reveal the nerve block.



* These cases are usually treated with pain-killers.
* Local steroidal injections can drastically reduce the symptoms.
* A splint minimizing the movement at wrist joint


* Extend and stretch both wrists and fingers acutely as if they are in a hand-stand position. Hold this position for a count of five.
* Straighten both wrists and relax fingers for a count of five.
* Make a tight fist with both hands. Then bend both wrists down while keeping the fist. Hold for a count of five.
* Straighten both wrists and relax fingers for a count of five.
* Repeat each exercise 10 times, then hang arms loosely at side and shake them for a couple of seconds.


In more severe and limiting cases, surgical correction by releasing the transverse carpal ligament can be thought about. Surgery for CTS has a long-term success rate of greater than 75%.

Role of Homeopathy:

Since allopathic drugs give a temporary pain-relief, and surgery is not indicated in majority of cases suffering with CTS, a well-selected homeopathic remedy has a key-role to play in the treatment of CTS, by reducing the edema and the nerve compression. The usual duration of the therapy depends on the severity, depth of affection and concomitant medical disorders. Typically it takes around 6-8 months to obtain significant relief.

In my experience, both constitutional as well as locally acting remedies like Paris quadr, Hypericum, Guiacum, Causticum or Rhus tox have given relief. The key symptoms to elicit from the patient include: the type of pain, side of affection, causative factors, modalities and concomitant ailments.

CTS predominantly falls under sycotic miasm and thus an anti-sycotic intercurrent is needed whenever the case holds standstill.

05 May 2010

Bach Flower Remedies For Recovering From Pet Loss

Losing a pet is not only the loss of a dear friend, but also often the loss of a major source of unconditional love and affection. We get so attached to our pets that when they are no longer with us, the impact of their love and friendship still remain in our hearts. When we are unable to let go of the intense emotions around the loss of our pets and get stuck in thoughts of the past, unable to accept the present, then it is a good time for us to try flower remedies.

Bach Flower Remedies are 38 plant and flower based remedies developed by British physician Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s that can help you to manage the emotional demands of life. Losing a loved one often begins a prolonged state of grief and despondency. There are specific Bach Flower remedies that can help with the emotions associated with grief and loss. Each remedy represents a particular emotional archetype, like fear, sadness, guilt, despondency, etc.

Recognizing exactly how you feel is the key to choosing the most appropriate Bach Flower Remedy. Sometimes this can be tricky, as our mental and emotional states can be a mixture of many emotions which might require a combination of corresponding flower remedies. The emotional states described below are ones common in pet owners after the loss of pet.

There are some remedies that are also safe to give to any co-pets, since they too are probably experiencing grief - Rescue Remedy, which is a blend of essences and Walnut. If you're having a hard time pinpointing which of your emotions should be addressed first, ask a friend to help you sort through them.

Here are few commonly prescribed remedies for healing and loss, and their key-indicators:

STAR OF BETHLEHEM: For recovering from SHOCK, if the loss was sudden and unexpected. Also helps animals who have suffered traumas or abuse.

WALNUT: If you're having a hard time ADAPTING to the loss, walnut works as a "LINK-BREAKER" to help you to let go and release your pet. Walnut is also safe for your other pets who may be grieving.

PINE: For getting over the 'GUILTY FEELING', if you are struggling with euthanasia, or having had to make a very difficult decision to let your pet go.

GORSE: For the feeling of HOPELESSNESS especially when you feel discouragement, darkness and resignation. Gorse brings deep and abiding faith and hope; equanimity and light-filled optimism.

SWEET CHESTNUT: In extreme cases of LOSS OF HOPE where nothing rejuvenates the mind and darkness overshadows ones life. Brings deep courage and faith in life.

HONEY SUCKLE: When our mind escapes the present, CLINGS TO THE PAST, and longs for what was. Helps one to learn from the past while releasing it.

WHITE CHESTNUT: If particular THOUGHTS / DREAMS of your lost pet repeat frequently, almost making you feel imprisoned. This will bring inner calm and a quiet, clear mind.

ASPEN: For any unexpected surges of ANXIETY that you may be feeling about the health of your other pets, in spite of their good health. Brings trust and confidence to deal with unknowns.

How to take them:

You can add 3-4 drops of the corresponding remedy to a glass of water. Sip frequently until the emotional state resolves to a more manageable intensity. In the case of a combination of dominant emotions, add 2 drops of each applicable essence.