23 May 2010

Sinuses: What are they for?

Visit any clinic of an ENT surgeon and you will find at least one patient who suffers with so-called “SINUS TROUBLE”. Having it as one of the most common complaints, a question naturally arises, ‘what are these sinuses really for..?’

Para-nasal [near the nose] sinuses are paired cavities situated in our skull bones, that directly have an opening in the nasal cavity.

The air-filled cavity of the sinuses makes our skull much lighter.
The cavity also creates resonance of voice, almost acting as an ‘amplifier’.
The face gets its typical structure due to the shapes of the skull bones having these sinuses.
Protection of the eyes.

These sinuses are lined with cells that produce secretions that are directly drained into nose. An inflammation of these linings, due to certain allergies or infections is called as SINUSITIS.

If you consider the functions of the sinuses, you can easily correlate the symptoms.
The irritation / inflammation of the lining leads to marked increase in the secretions, that replace the air. We thus start feeling the head becoming heavier especially in the morning when they are filled with the secretions.
The fluid hampers the function as an ‘amplifier’ that makes us ‘sound’ stuffed due to the change in the nasal tone.
Due to their locations, it leads to typical sinus headache which is frontal and the tenderness along the cheek bones. It can be checked by applying pressure with the thumb.
The swelling of the inner lining gives rise to blocked feeling and mucoid discharge. It can be blood-stained due to rupture of blood capillaries.

Antibiotics, Decongestants, and the Anti-allergics are the most common remedial alternatives to relieve the acute attacks. But what about the chronic pattern ?
Here a well-selected Homeopathic constitutional remedy can help you to get rid off the tendencies to get sinus affections.
The duration of the treatment depends on the severity, structural changes within nasal cavity and how much is it possible to nullify the precipitating factors.

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