11 July 2013

Treat Alopecia Areata With Homeopathy

Homeopathy is one of the holistic healing technique, which involves treating the individual patient with highly diluted substances, given mainly in pills or tablet form. It aims at triggering our body’s natural system of healing. Due to this unique way of healing, it not only relieves the symptoms but also heals you from the root-cause of the disease.

This article answers few questions about the role of homeopathy in treating alopecia-areata, which affects the hair growth in patches leading to bald areas on scalp or beard.

What is alopecia areata ?
It is a dematological condition in which hair are lost from a specific area of the scalp or beard to form small bald patches. The undelying skin looks unscarred and apparently normal.
These patches are of different shapes but round or oval are the most common ones. In most cases the condition does not progress beyond a few bare patches, but at times it can spread entirely over the scalp leading to Alopecia totalis.

What are the causes ?
It is often considered as an autoimmune disease, where the body's own defence cells attack healthy cells of hair-follicles leading to hair loss.
Genetic link - if you have a close family member with the disease, your risk of developing it increases slightly.

How common is it ?
Alopecia is quite common with at least 3-5 percent of population suffers with it at least once in lifetime. it affects both sexes equally, but is more common in males.

How does it manifest ?

The hair tend to fall out for a short period of time and the patches are mostly seen on one side of the scalp. The hair tend to pull out easily along the edge of the patch where the follicles have already been attacked by the autoimmune process.
It does not form any complications or symptoms (like itching or burning) further, but the cosmetic angle is the most significant distress for the patient.

What is the role of homeopathy ?
Based on their specific symptoms, a homeopath will match the most appropriate medicine to each patient and can prescribe an individualistic medicine suitable for your own ailment.
Medicines such as calc fluor and silica have been the most commonly used ones along with the constitutional assessment.
It may take few weeks or at times a couple of months, but homeopathic treatment definitely cures this ailment from the root-cause. Compared to the side-effects of local corticosteroid injections, Homeopathy offers a safe and effective alternative.

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